to Indonesian

No. 148/PMK.04/2011




a. that in the framework to improve service and control of customs activities in export sector, it is necessary to improve provisions of customs in export sector as been governed in Regulation of the Minister of Finance No. 145/PMK.04/2007 concerning Customs Procedures in the Export Sector;

b. that based on provision in Article 8 paragraph (3) of Government Regulation No. 55/2008 concerning Imposition of Export Levy on the Exported Goods, Minister of Finance can stipulate exported goods with certain characteristic that Export Levy on the exported goods after export customs notification is submitted to Customs Office;

c. that based on consideration as intended in paragraph a and paragraph b, it is necessary to stipulate Regulation of the Minister of Finance concerning Amendment to the Regulation of the Minister of Finance No. 145/PMK.04/2007 concerning Customs Procedures in the Export Sector;

In view of:

1. Law No. 6/1983 concerning General Provisions and Procedures in Taxation (Statute Book No. 49/1983, Supplement to Statute Book No. 3262) as amended several times, the latest by Law No. 16/2009 (Statute Book No. 62/2009, Supplement to Statute Book No. 4999);

2. Law No. 8/1983, concerning Value Added Tax on Goods and Services Tax and Sales Tax of Luxurious Goods (Statute Book No. 51/1983, Supplement to Statute Book No. 3264) as amended several times, the latest by Law No. 42/2009 (Statute Book No. 150/2009, Supplement to Statute Book No. 5069);

3. Law No. 10/1995 concerning Customs (Statute Book No. 75/1995, Supplement to Statute Book No. 3612/1995) as amended by Law No. 17/2006 (Statute Book No. 93/2006, Supplement to Statute Book No. 4661);

4. Law No. 11/1995 concerning Excise (Statute Book No. 76/1995, Supplement to Statute Book No. 1995 No. 3613) as amended by Law No. 39/2007 (Statute Book No. 105/2007, Supplement to Statute Book No. 4755);

5. Government Regulation No. 55/2008 concerning Imposition of Export Levy on the Exported Goods (Statute Book No. 116/2008, Supplement to Statute Book No. 4886);

6. Presidential Decree No. 56/P/2010;

7. Regulation of the Minister of Finance No. 145/PMK.04/2007 concerning Customs Procedures in the Export Sector;


To stipulate:


Article I

Several provision in the Regulation of the Minister of Finance No. 145/PMK.04/2007 concerning Customs Procedures in the Export Sector shall be amended as follows:

1. Provision of Article 1 shall be amended, so Article 1 is read as follows:

"Article 1

In this Regulation of the Minister of Finance:

1. Customs Law is Law No. 10/1995 concerning Customs as amended by Law No. 17/2006.

2. Person is individual person or legal entity.

3. Exporter is a Person that runs activities in clearing goods from the customs area.

4. Export Customs Notification is a statement made by a person in the context of complying with customs obligation in the export sector in the form of filling in the form in writing or electronic data.

5. Customs Zone is a zone with specific borders on port, airport, or other places stipulated for goods traffics that are fully under the supervision of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise.

6. Exported Goods with Certain Characteristics are Exported Goods which quantity and specification can be known after Export Customs Notification is submitted to Customs Office.

7. Export Levy is a collection by the State based on the Customs Law affairs charged on exported goods.

8. Export Goods Consolidator is business entity that consolidates export goods before the export goods are brought into the customs zone for loading into the transporting facilities.

9. Notification of Consolidated Export Goods hereinafter abbreviated as PKBE is a notification on export goods resulting from the consolidation prepared by the consolidator, Exporter, or Exporter in one group of companies, containing details of the whole documents on customs notification of export and approval, as well as shipping document of courier goods.

10. Submission of notification through electronic media is submission of customs notification using diskette media or through direct electronic data exchange according to the stipulated standard and based on agreement between the exporter and the Director General or the designated official.

11. Customs office is customs and excise service office, the place where customs obligations are complied with according to the provisions in the Customs Law.

12. Director General is Director General of Customs and Excise.

13. Customs and Excise officials are employees of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise appointed in certain position to carry out certain tasks based on the Customs Law.

14. Service Computer System is computer system used by the customs office in the context of supervising and provision of customs service.

15. Export is activity to release goods from Customs Area."

2. Provision of Article 2 paragraph (2) shall be amended, and between paragraph (4) and paragraph (5) is inserted 1 (one) paragraph, it is paragraph (4a), so Article 2 is read as follows:

"Article 2

(1) Goods for export must be notified to the customs office using Notification on Customs Export.

(2) Customs Notification on Export as intended in paragraph (1) shall be submitted by the Exporter or his attorney to the Customs Office on the loading within 7 (seven) days before export day until before enter to the Customs Zone.

(3) For break bulk export, export customs notification as intended in paragraph (2), can be submitted before departure time of transporter.

(4) For Exporting Goods subject to Export Levy, Export Customs Notification is submitted after paid Export Levy.

(4a) In case Exported Goods as intended in paragraph (4) are in Exported Good with Certain Characteristic criteria, payment of Export Levy can be paid after submission of Export Customs Notification.

(5) Export customs notification can be submitted in written or electronic data."

3. Provision of Article 7 paragraph (4) shall be amended by supplemented 1 (one) paragraph, it is paragraph (5), so Article 7 is read as follows:

"Article 7

(1) Exporting goods will be checked with documents investigation.

(2) Documents investigation as intended in paragraph (1), is done by service application system and/or customs and excise officer, after export customs notification is reported to customs office.

(3) Documents investigation as intended in paragraph (1) are:

(4) Customs attachment documents as intended in paragraphs (3) b are invoice, packing list and other supplemented documents that are required to fulfill general provision in export;

(5) Payment receipt of Export Levy as intended in paragraph (3) c is payment evidence of Export Levy."

4. Provision of Article 8 paragraph (2) and paragraph (4) shall be amended, and paragraph (3) shall be abolished, so Article 8 is read as follows:

"Article 8

(1) On certain cases, the customs and excise officials shall conduct physical examination of Export Goods.

(2) Physical examination as intended in paragraph (1) shall be conducted on Exported Goods with following criteria:

(3) Abolished.

(4) The physical examination of goods as intended in paragraphs (2) and (3) may be conducted in the customs area, exporter's warehouse, or in other places used by the exporter to store Export Goods."

5. Provision of Article 5 paragraph (1), paragraph (2), paragraph (3), and paragraph (4) shall be amended, and between paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) is inserted 2 paragraphs, they are paragraph (1a) and paragraph (1b), so Article 9 is read as follows:

"Article 9

(1) Physical examination on Export Goods as intended in Article 8 paragraph (1) shall be conducted selectively on the:

(1a) On the Export Goods as intended in paragraph (1) are exported by certain Exporter not examined physically.

(1b) On the Export Goods as intended in paragraph (1) are exported by Exporter and also as importer with low risk category may be examined physically.

(2) Certain exporters as intended in paragraph (1) shall be stipulated by the Director General or appointed Customs and Excise officials with due observance of the exporter's reputation, such as:

(3) For exporter with status as importer with priority channel or other importers having obtained the status equivalent to the importer with priority channel shall be treated as certain exporter as intended in paragraph (1a).

(4) Provision as intended in paragraph (1), paragraph (1a), and paragraph (1b), shall not apply if there is strong indication that violation will take place of violation of the provisions in the statutory regulation has taken place."

6. Provision of Article 13 paragraph (3) shall be amended, so Article 13 is read as follows:

"Article 13

(1) The Export Customs Notification that has been submitted to the Customs Office as intended in Article 2 paragraph (1) shall be reconciled with customs notification of departure of the transporting facilities.

(2) The reconciliation as intended in paragraph (1) shall be conducted by making justification to the data element in the customs notification document on registered export by customs notification of the transporting facilities departure.

(3) Reconciliation as intended in paragraph (1) is conducted by Customs and Excise Officials and/or Service Computer System."

7. Provision of Article 14 paragraph (2) shall be amended, so Article 14 is read as follows:

"Article 14

(1) The goods that have been notified for re-export and having obtained customs notification registration Number for export may cancel its export.

(2) For export cancellation as intended in paragraph (1), following provision shall be applied:

(3) For goods which export has been cancelled as intended in paragraph (1) no physical examination shall be required, except for export goods which based on the result of analysis on information there is strong indication that violation will or has taken place on the customs provision in the export sector."

8. Provision of Article 15 shall be amended, so Article 15 is read as follows:

"Article 15

(1) In the event of mistake in Export Customs Notification that has been registered, Exporter may correct the data based on approval fro Head or Customs Office or appointed Customs and Excise official and/or through Service Computer System.

(2) Correction of data of Export Customs Notification as intended in paragraph (1) relating to the type, amount, goods FOB value, type of foreign exchange, and/or the container number, may be served before the goods entering into the Customs Zone, except in the case of:

(3) Data correction of Export Customs Notification has been registered as intended in paragraph (1) relating to the quantity and FOB value of Export Goods are carried by aircraft other than Export Goods as intended in Article 2 paragraph (c), may within 3 (three) days after the departure date of carrier, while that data correction of different data between Export Customs Notification with result of measurement by the carrier.

(4) Export Goods with Certain Characteristic as intended in paragraph (2) b are:

9. Provision of Article 18 paragraph (1) and paragraph (3) shall be amended, so Article 18 is read as follows:

"Article 18

(1) Any Person that is:

(2) Any person failing to notify the type and/or amount of goods in the customs notification on export that caused incompliance with the State's collection n the export sector, shall be charged administrative penalty in the form of minimum 100% (one hundred percent) fine of the State's short collection in the export sector and maximum 1,000% (one thousand percent) fine of the State’s short collection in the export sector.

(3) Any Person that is:

shall be criminally imprisoned for at least 1 (one) year and maximum 10 (ten) years and minimum fine of Rp 50,000,000.00 (fifty million rupiah) and maximum fine of Rp 5,000,000,000.00 (five billion rupiah)."

10. Provision of Article 19 shall be amended, so Article 19 is read as follows:

"Article 19

Exporter shall be obliged to store data on Export Customs Notification that has been registered in electronic media or in printing form of the Export Customs Notification and the original sheet of the customs complementary document as intended in Article 7 paragraph (4) for 10 (ten) years in its place of business in Indonesia."

Article II

This Regulation of the Minister of Finance shall come into effect 30 (thirty) days after the date of stipulation.

For public cognizance, this Regulation of the Minister of Finance shall be promulgated by placing it in the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia.

Stipulated in Jakarta
on September 7, 2011